About Us


Sam and Adam began dating in 2015. As is the case for many couples, their relationship began over a meal. On their 3rd date, Adam invited Sam over for dinner, and has been cooking wonderful meals for her ever since. Cooking together has been a way for them to grow close as a couple, and is a way that Adam frequently spoils Sam in their relationship. They love hosting people for dinner, and frequently go out of their way to create elaborate culinary experiences for their friends from the comfort of their very small apartment. It is not unusual to see their 500 square foot space stuffed to the brim with friends enjoying their food. 

Many of their friends wanted to start replicating the same experiences, and people started asking Adam for cooking tips. He started giving lessons to a few guys before some of their dinner parties and realized how much people wanted to learn how to cook, but just lacked the patience and tools to do so. Sam was also frequently asked by some of her girlfriends if they could have their boyfriends get a cooking lesson from Adam. Soon after, “The Boyfriend Cooking School” was born. 

Adam cooks 99% of his dishes without following any recipes, and relies on his culinary expertise and his taste buds to guide his cooking. While this is impressive, it made it impossible to share any of our favorite recipes with friends and family. In early 2020, we started the very long process of cataloging his many recipes, and then launched the Simmer to Boil site in May 2020. 


About Adam: Adam grew up learning to cook. For Adam, cooking is a way to bring people together, and he loves creating culinary experiences that foster connection. He is passionate about sustainability, more specifically, sustainable agriculture, and has dreams of building a large garden in his backyard.

About Sam: Sam has spent the last 5 years enjoying Adam’s cooking, and in the process, has become a grade-A sous-chef and dishwasher. She loves helping Adam host their friends and loves helping him come up with new ways to share his love of cooking with others. While she enjoys cooking with Adam, her main passions are in education and design. She created the website, runs the social media accounts, and edits most of the photographs.



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